Tascarella Custom Cues

36 New Thomas Drive

Charles Town, WV  25414

               (516) 799-8477     Landline       

               (516) 313-6449     Mobile 

10:00am - 5:00pm EST

Weekdays Only

S H I P P I N G   I N S T R U C T I O N S


  • DO NOT over pack your cue (i.e. wrapping it with clear cellophane tape and no visible starting place to unwrap)
  • DO NOT use popcorn shipping pellets as packaging material
  • DO NOT include joint protectors, you may not get them back
  • DO NOT send a case unless it has room for the new shafts you may be ordering

After contacting us and discussing repairs, please include a note in the shipping package with your cue that includes:

  • The work to be performed
  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your phone number (Daytime)

please note:

our shop is closed to the general public, accessible by invitation only...